Indyjskie dystynkcje: Naib Subedar / Naib Risaldar
Naib Subedar / Naib Risaldar
Junior Commissioned Officers
The second set of Officers in the Army are the Junior Commissioned Officers (JCOs). During British rule, English Officers found it very difficult to communicate with Indian soldiers, and thus they created these three new ranks. They were known as the Viceroy's Commissioned Officers or VCOs but after the British left India, they were known as Junior Commissioned Officers or JCOs. The soldiers in these ranks had long years of service and they acted as middlemen, in the passing of orders from Officers to the Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) ranks. The soldiers who became VCOs (or JCOs) joined the Army as Sepoys and came up through the NCO ranks. The ranks of Subedar Major, Subedar and Naib Subedar are used in the Infantry while the ranks of Risaldar Major, Risaldar and Naib Risaldar are used in the Armoured Corps.An important difference between the Indian and other armies is that officers do not command platoons - Naib Subedars, who are Junior Commissioned Officers (senior NCOs in other armies) do. A Naib Subedar / Naib Risaldar was also known as a Jemadar until 1965.
Data dodania: 29 lipca 2013
Miejsce pochodzenia: Indie
Stan eksponatu: Bardzo dobry
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