French Excise Padlock -/ L'Office Des Accises
This padlock was manufactered between 1920-1950, in France, for the "Office of Excise Taxes" (L'Office des Accises"). The purpose of the lock is to secure a storage area such that it can be determined whether excise taxes have been paid on the secured merchandise. A paper seal (not shown) is placed over the keyhole in such a manner that it must be broken or perforated in order for the lock to be opened by key. Notice the (original) key is "L" shaped and has 2-3 levers.
Measurement: 83mm wide x 24mm thick x 144mm long-- including the shackle, 90mm without.
Data dodania: 26 grudnia 2018
Stan eksponatu: Bardzo dobry
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Eksponat został odwiedzony łącznie 237 razy od 26 grudnia 2018