Patronat medialny


Szrapnel 80 mm - przekrój.

"F. Sengpiel" Padlock History

12 maja 2011

I posted a thread earlier but without a picture and in Polish (poorly translated). This time in English! Can anyone tell me the date of patent, patent number, patent country, name of manufacturer? I have 6 of the padlocks but no historical information. Thank you.
Profil Profesjonalny
15 maja 2011
Well, looks like there's a slight problem with this padlock we are encountering here, also Germans can't identify this lock. Regarding small discussion here:
There's not much more around. Strange as it used to be pretty common one, especially around WWI period.
15 maja 2011
In the past 4 years I have purchased 8 of them, in two different sizes. Model #1, #3, #4 from U.S.A., Model #2 and another #4 from Poland, #5 and one without a number from Germany, and Model #9 from France. Model #12 is shown on MyViMu. So, evidence would suggest there is at least 12 models in either one or two sizes, plus one or two models with no code showing.
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